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I am a literary scholar specialising in American history, literature and culture. My research focuses on the U.S South and the Caribbean, with specific attention to how race and gender relate to environmental issues.


I mainly teach literature, writing, and gender studies. I also dabble in history, anthropology and cultural studies.


I have lived in Paris, the U.S South, and New England. Wherever I go, I bring with me my notepads, my camera, and my cat Armand, who, like most New England cats, sports a few extra toes on his front paws.

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Brown University

Ph.D, Comparative Literature


Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

Ph.D, English


Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris III)

MA, English


Agrégation Externe of English

French Ministry for Education


C.A.P.E.S Externe of English

French Ministry for Education



Research Interest

Literary Studies


Critical Race Theory


Gender Studies


Environmental Humanities


American History and Culture


Studies of the U.S South


Hemispheric Studies


Folklore Ethnogrpahy


Oral Histories

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